Balgowan 024

Wrap Around Care - Balgowan Buccaneers

We are pleased to be able to offer wraparound care for Balgowan children. The Balgowan Buccaneers continues to be a very popular before and after school club and places are limited on certain days. We will be accepting applications for children starting at Balgowan Primary school in September 2024 from Tuesday 16th April. 

Please see the document below for an introduction to the club and further information including fees.


Please note that places at the club will be allocated in the following priority order:

  •  Siblings of children already attending the Balgowan Buccaneers
  •  Children already attending Balgowan Buccaneers requiring additional days
  • All other applications received will be processed and places allocated in the order in which they are received. Please note that to make an application for a place at the club, you will need to complete and return the following documents:

o Registration form

o Booking form

o Signed terms and conditions

The completed forms can either be returned to the school office or scanned and sent via email to

Deadline for Parents whose children already attend the club

If you require a space for a sibling starting in September 2024 or you need to increase the days required for a child already attending, please note that full applications will need to be received by the school by Friday 3rd May. Any sibling application or request for additional days received after this date will be allocated on a first come first serve basis and will no longer be prioritised in the order stated above.

If you have any questions in advance, please contact the club on